If you are enjoying The Alec Lace Show I’d be honored if you could join the community here on Locals. I will be sharing upcoming guest announcements, releasing extra exclusive content and more right here! Thank you for all your support so far with the podcast. Hope to talk soon!
Parents Are The True Underdog in America Today. The Nuclear Family is Under Attack. Alec Lace, Creator of the Award-Winning Podcast First Class Fatherhood, has Launched a New Podcast, The Alec Lace Show, in Which he is Breaking Down the Latest News and Political Issues Facing Parents in America Today.
Join Alec Lace, as he Interviews Guests and Speaks Openly About the Indoctrination, Perversion and Outright Attack on Your Children. Children Do Not Belong to the State. They Do Not Belong to the School System. Children Belong to Their Parents as a Blessing From God.
Hit The Follow Button and Let's Preserve, Protect and Fight for the American Family Together!
New Episodes Every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:00pm ET
My Interview with Dinesh D’Souza about his powerful new film #PoliceState will drop on Rumble Next Week but you can watch part of this interview first on Locals
I just launched a new community for #TheAlecLaceShow on Locals and my interview with Dinesh D’Souza will be the first thing I share with you!